3D Scan Imaging Dental Technology

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3D Image Dental Technology

 At Studio Z Dental, we understand that an excellent holistic dentist can only do the best work with the latest technology. We invest in technology not because it is sleek and modern but to have the very best diagnostic tools possible.

Many problems in your mouth, which cause long-term health issues, start under the gumline. These can be infections, root canal infections, bone abnormalities, or cancer. Traditionally, there wasn’t a way to get a clear view of your mouth beyond the digital X-rays. New technology allows us to get a clear, multi-dimensional view of your mouth, including under the gumline and your jaw bones.


Planmeca 3D Imaging Scan

An exciting development in technology is the Planmeca ProMax 3D scanner. Planmeca is the first company to combine a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) image, a 3D image of your face, and a 3D scan into one 3D image. These three images create a virtual patient in 3D, so our dentists can see everything under the gum line, in your jaw, and how it all fits together.

As holistic, biological dentists, we want the best for the health of your entire body. Including eliminating underlying problems, many traditional dentists with outdated technology cannot detect. It also includes ensuring we offer technology with the lowest radiation dose possible.

Ultra-Low Dose Of Radiation

We are incredibly excited about this technology because it gives a large amount of 3D anatomical data with an ultra-low radiation dose. It has a lower effective dose of radiation than standard 2D panoramic X-rays. 


Two of the most advanced dental technologies  

Our dentists use this 3D imaging unit together with our advanced ozone techniques. These are two of the most advanced technologies available at any dental office. We are leading the way in helping you maintain the highest level of dental health. Call our office to ask questions and to set up your initial appointment. Contact us today. 

Dr. Tom Zyvoloski

Dr. Zade Faraj

Dr. Sara Qadi           

Dr. Marsha Sonaty           

818 W South Boulder Rd
Louisville, CO 80027

Call  (303) 802-4313